Friends of Repton Parish Church

Welcome to Friends of Repton Parish Church

St Wystan’s Church, Repton has been identified as a major parish church, one of about 300 historically significant  churches in England.  This is mainly because of its Anglo Saxon crypt described by Nikolaus Pevsner as ‘one of the most precious survivals of Anglo-Saxon Architecture in England’.


Friends of Repton Parish Church aims to help conserve, repair and improve this beautiful and ancient church and churchyard for the benefit of everyone now and for future generations.  Our group is open to anyone who would like to support the care of this church building

A message from our President

St Wystan’s Church is a unique witness to the Christian conversion of Mercia and its crypt, one of the most complete and atmospheric spaces to have survived from Anglo-Saxon England.  I urge you to support the Friends in their efforts to help conserve and enhance this remarkable building